My Boys Are The Best! - W. Nasrul Ferguson

Straight after game ended, SRM's big boss, Wan Nasrul Ferguson spoke to the reporters of how happy and proud he was because his young boys managed to reach the last eight stage even though they were not the favourite team and labelled as the underdog.

But, after the interview, he was reportedly nearly hit one of the reporters.

"Yeah, I was happy! I don't know what to say but if my boys can maintaining their performance like this, I believe that we can reach at least the final. What? Are you underestimating us?Yes, I know that we are newcomers but is it wrong for us to target the final?"

"For your information, we also targeting the Champions League crown. So what? Do you have problem with that? I don't like you, you reporter moron!So, go away and don't spoil my mood!!" he shouted.

No comment boss..

1 comment:

nasrulikhwan said...

Haahahaha... Gile garang ngan reporter