A precious draw at Flamey Road..Writer rates the SRM players performance.
Nisham - 7.5 - Another clean sheet for the shot stopper. His performance in the first half was a little bit shaky. Amazingly, this is the second time he saved penalty. Was it just a luck?
Meegan - 7 - Clean tackles and never hesitated to play rough. Keep pressuring the opponent and cannot be beaten in pace. Unlucky to concede a penalty but he was certainly one of the best player in the pitch. A competitor for Aziwan and Raja for the right back slot.
Shauqie -7.5- Dominant in the air. Absolutely awesome. Calm and communicated well with his teammates. Keep the opponent's striker quiet for almost the whole 90 minutes. Always alert and made a lot of important clearances.
Faris -7.5- Robust and authoritative play. Comfortable in air too. Broke the opponent's attacking with crucial tackles. No problem to move forward to give extra force. Quick to cover when losing the ball. Excellent performance.
Amir -7- Decent show from the fullback. Positioning himself too far but quick reaction to cover back his area. Smart in overlapping and managed to cross several time but unlucky to find the target. Seems more suitable at the left midfielder.
Kenneth -7.5- The unsung hero for the game. Tireless runs, quick covering and won many header balls. He absolutely exploded his true talent when acted as the defensive midfielder. Breaking up the possession and stifling any creative element from the opponent's attacker. Wonderful performance!
Luqman -7.5- Control the game very well. Linked up well with the other midfielder. Drive the game with his killer through ball and hardly predicted free-kick. A few rough tackles were targeted on him as he was the key player for SRM. Lucky to escape from any injury. Silent but let his foot speaks for him. A true leader. Thank you captain.

Amar -6.5- Hold the ball too long. Risked his teammates with some unnecessary mistakes. Should release the ball early. Unlucky to score twice, a stunner short range shot and a diving header. His main problem is lack of stamina. Need an intensive fitness training after this.
Shahrom -6.5- Fairly quiet for the duration. Closed down by the opponent for the whole game. Starved for service and support from midfield. Seems a little bit fatigue. Interchanged to left flank during second half. Still waiting for his second goal.
Kamarul -6.5- Lack of stamina. Absolutely beaten by the opponent's physical play. But, willing to run deep to cover the left flank. Quiet game for the Jambu Boy. Hooked up later for Hanif during the second half.
Chap -7- The most energetic player in the pitch. Run and run and run all the time. Never gave up to chase the ball. Plenty of stamina was his main weapon. Fouled several times by the opponent but the referee keep denied and always waving his hand 'sesuka hati'.
Haniff -6- Replaced tired Kamarul. Gave some decent crosses but he rarely went down to cover his area during defending. Need to improve in that thing. Average performance.
Zumi - N/A
Eddy - N/A
Aziwan - N/A
Referee -0.5- ##$@@$#@$%#$%^&*!!!!

Cadangan: buat some discussion balik psal formation..some player still confuse tugas masing2 time main 442 or 433..so, if smua dpt main peranan,dalam game kita tak letih sgt..
okay..btul gak tu..nanti aku usahakan..hahaha
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