Writer rates the SRM players on show at Noobie Park Stadium...
Nisham - 6.5: Forced to do some acrobatic saves but his penalty-save was the golden one. hahaha. Almost conceded a stupid goal when he miscalculated his position and the ball nearly went into the net.
Aziwan - 5: Clearly outburst by the pace and speed of his opponent. Caught with a handball by the referee inside the box. Withdrew in second half because of a minor ankle injury or exhausted I think.
Meegan - 6: Moved from left back to centre back replacing Shauqie. Not a good game overall. Failed to communicate with his partner Faris. Loose the header ball but made some crucial tackles. Played a lot better as a right back.
Faris - 6.5: Tough in the air battle, and rarely let the opponent passed through him. Calm but silent. His only weakness is NO VOICE. Definitely, miss his old partner.
Amir - 6: Tend to moved to the centre of pitch. Gave some help through left side but no cross made. Like Faris, he rarely let the opponent 'come into the house".
Shahrom - 6: Under par performance from the winger. Lost his passion and dribbling skills. Never ever managed to pass through the opponent defender. Lack of stamina and where is his incredible pace?
Kenneth - 6: Failed to communicate with Luqman. Hesitated in making decisions. Also, play silently like others. Not as good as his last game where he managed to protect the defender line.
Luqman - 5.5: Shadowed by the opponent for the whole game. Out of idea and his amazing creativity. Failed to arranged his boys, resulting a 'budak tadika' game. But his free kicks were always troubled the opponent and several times, fouled by the Genki players.
Haniff - 5.5: Rarely have the ball and tried hardly to get pass the opponent but don't have enough chances. Substituted at half time. Silent game also.
Ammar - 6: Have couples of chances to score but failed to do it. Always out from his actual position, he failed to be the linker for midfielder and forward. Should've score at least a goal. Give way for Fathi.
Chap - 6: Hard to find space for him. Should been a penalty when he fouled inside the box but the referee said 'NO'. Withdrawn ten minutes before the whistle blew.
Shauqie - 6: Substituted Aziwan and swap positition with Meegan. His partnership with Faris seems more reliable and solid. His first touch is yellow card when he argued with the referee decision.
Fathi - 6: Replaced Ammar and switched position with Shahrom. Look lively with his run but need to improve his cross.
Acap - 5: Lazy and slow to pass, he replaced Chap as striker but he still need to improve in many aspects to be a striker. Still have to learn to trust team mates and how to release the ball early. Also, need to improve his stamina.
Eddy - 6: Late substitution. Didn't have time to prove anything.
Raja - N/A

terima kasih kpd kawan-kawan sepasukan..saya akan cuba utk bermain dgn lebih ummpph!
bai mana nama aku...sedihhhh:) hahah
kau dtg lambat..haha
gua super sub!hahah
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